Why the 11-inch MacBook Air is my favourite
Why the MacBook Air 11 inch is my favourite If you follow my rants on Let's Talk iOS, you know that there's a running joke about how often I change my mind. I've used an iMac, a MacBook Pro, another iMac, a MacBook Air, a Retina MacBook Pro, and another MacBook Air 11 inch in the last two years. You don't need me to tell you that's crazy and probably not a good way to live your life. But I've settled. I've chosen the machine that will work for me. The 11-inch MacBook Air is that machine. It's the Haswell processor in the MacBook that makes the battery last so long. This is the best computer for me, and you can trust me on that. It's probably also the best computer for you, but you don't know it yet. Three very important things With a good computer, you can get work done. Not just editing text or writing blogs, but real jobs. I'm talking about editing photos and videos and playing games a little bit. I'm talking about web design, podcas...