Is Your LG TV Unable to Connect to WiFi? (Give This Easy Solution a Shot FIRST!)
INTRODUCTION Problems with WiFi connectivity will inevitably arise with the vast majority of LG TVs in the long run.( Why won't my LG tv connect to WiFi ) Owners of LG TVs have reported this problem in innumerable instances, with some saying it has existed for years. Fortunately, there is a quick fix that should resolve the WiFi connectivity issue on about 80% of LG TVs. How To Restore WiFi Connectivity On An LG TV You must reset your LG TV if it won’t connect to WiFi. After one minute, disconnect your TV from the wall. Press and hold the power button for 30 seconds with the gadget unplugged. Reconnect the power cable to your TV after a brief delay. After a soft reset, your LG TV should reconnect to WiFi. LG TV’s power switch Though it might seem obvious, unplugging your LG TV from the wall outlet is one of the most popular ways to resolve a WiFi connection issue. Wait 60 seconds before plugging it back in, so be patient...