Is Your LG TV Unable to Connect to WiFi? (Give This Easy Solution a Shot FIRST!)



Problems with WiFi connectivity will inevitably arise with the vast majority of LG TVs in the long run.(Why won't my LG tv connect to WiFi)

Owners of LG TVs have reported this problem in innumerable instances, with some saying it has existed for years.

Fortunately, there is a quick fix that should resolve the WiFi connectivity issue on about 80% of LG TVs.

How To Restore WiFi Connectivity On An LG TV


You must reset your LG TV if it won’t connect to WiFi. After one minute, disconnect your TV from the wall. Press and hold the power button for 30 seconds with the gadget unplugged. Reconnect the power cable to your TV after a brief delay. After a soft reset, your LG TV should reconnect to WiFi.


LG TV’s power switch


Though it might seem obvious, unplugging your LG TV from the wall outlet is one of the most popular ways to resolve a WiFi connection issue.


Wait 60 seconds before plugging it back in, so be patient.

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Locate the power button on your TV, which is normally situated on the bottom or back of the TV, and press it for 30 seconds while the TV is unplugged.


NOTE: For this to function properly, you must press and hold the TV’s power button rather than the remote control.


This will prevent your TV from performing a hard reset and using up any remaining battery life, making it more effective than turning your TV on and off again.


Reconnect the TV’s power cable after a minute, and the WiFi connection ought to function right away!


Most of you should be able to use this fix, but if not, we have a couple alternative ideas.


LG TV factory reset


It could be necessary to reset your device to its factory default settings if a power cycle didn’t resolve your LG TV’s WiFi connection troubles.

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Make sure you are aware that a factory reset of your LG Smart TV will remove all application and account settings before you proceed.


Here are the steps for performing a factory reset on your LG television.


LG Smart TV factory reset.


through a remote


on the television.


Your remote’s Gear icon should be pressed.


Scroll down to the All Settings section, then click it.


Select General.


To reset all settings to default, choose.


Your television’s connection settings and cache will be reset as a result.


lacking a remote


For 10 seconds, press and hold the power button.


Choose Menu.


Go to All Settings in the menu.


Select General.


To reset all settings to default, choose.


You will need to use the device’s buttons to navigate the menu if this doesn’t work.


Here are a few more options to try if that doesn’t work:


Use a USB keyboard that has been plugged in to access the menu.


The LG ThinQ app can be downloaded to your smartphone.


Connect a universal remote to your TV and use it.


NOTE: If everything is done properly, your LG TV should turn off, then turn back on, before displaying the initial setup screen.


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Disable Quick Start


The “Quick Start” feature, which is present on the majority of LG Smart TVs, may result in connectivity problems, therefore if it’s an option, you should disable it.


Your remote’s Gear icon should be pressed.


From the menu, choose All Settings.


Select General.


When you reach the “Quick Start” setting, scroll down.

Ensure that it is off.

After turning off your TV, unplug it.

Your TV’s power button should be pressed and held for 30 seconds.

Try restarting the TV, plugging it back in, and re-connecting to the WiFi network.


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